Crude oil prices fell again Friday, with March contracts for West Texas Intermediate crude down $1.23 to $74.85 per barrel at about half an hour before the close of floor trade on the New York Mercantile Exchange, while March Brent …
The pound continues to fall as the BoE buys gilts
Quantitative easing as a new policy took its first steps yesterday as many investors looked to sell government bonds to the Bank of England. In an unprecedented response the Bank of England had planned to spend £2bn of newly printed …
Pakistan credit rating is cut
Moodys Investors Service has cut Pakistans credit rating for the first time in nine years amid growing fear that the current spate of economic imbalances and political tension caused falling stocks. Moodys cut the government bond ratings to B2 from …
Bond yields higher after Bernanke comment
Yields were higher on US Treasury bonds Tuesday on rising equities and after a speech by Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke didn’t mention interest rates or the US economy at all. Investors had hoped that Mr. Bernanke would make some …
US Treasury prices fall on Fed officials speech
A speech by Richmond Federal Reserve president Jeffrey Lacker on Tuesday, in which he said there will only be a cut in interest rates if the current market volatility has a visible effect on the economy sent US Treasury bond …